Monday, November 16, 2009

Checking In

Hullo? Anybody out there? Several people have told me they've been reading, but no one is writing! No comments? No questions? No complaints, tirades or confessions? Please, tell me I'm crazy or tell me this is what you've been waiting for. Tell me what's working for you and what isn't. Tell me your successes and challenges. I know I'm not the only one with something to say about all this!


  1. Reading this is like getting to hang out and talk with you, so, I'm a follower. :-) Tonight I ate my post-getting-the-girls-in-bed Haagen Daaz Low Fat Vanilla Frozen Yogurt with a teeny tiny spoon. It made me eat more slowly, and I attribute the fact that I even considered doing this to your musings. Keep 'em comin!

  2. Thanks for reading and for writing, Terri! I'm glad you're out there. Here's to small spoons! I love it! That will lead me to my next post.

  3. You also inspired my first attempt at blogging. Check it out here:

  4. Not only do I like to eat my ice cream with a small spoon, I like it frozen solid so that I can only dig out small spoonfulls with great effort, and then let them slowly melt in my mouth. I can stretch the eating of a single scoop of ice cream to 10 minutes.
