Friday, June 18, 2010

Respect Your Butt

I've always had a pretty flat butt, and at some point in my 43 years, it became flat and saggy. Last time I caught a glimpse of it I was dismayed to find it is now flat, saggy and lumpy. Horrors. It's hard to love an ass like that. (Of course, it's all relative. I've seen worse!) Every once in awhile you might spot a smooth, round, perky butt, but the truth is, most butts aren't all that pretty. And why should they be? Really, why do we expect our butts to be cute? They are for sitting and shitting! Nothing cute about that.

I don't want to get too carried away, but you get the point, don't you? A body's job is to carry it's person through life. Some bodies do better than others, but they all do the best they can. Think about the miraculous complexity of a functioning body. Think of all the things that have to work right for a body to thrive. And on top of all that, we expect it to look just so? My, we are a demanding bunch.

It seems like most of us are in a constant battle with our bodies. We are quite critical, judgmental and demanding. It is as if our bodies were somehow separate from us, and somehow deliberately behaving badly (by doing such deplorable things as becoming saggy and lumpy) just to thwart us.

I think if we can take a more forgiving and appreciative tone with our bodies, if we can show a little respect, it might become easier and more natural to eat well and exercise. Although I cannot fully accept my body the way it is (I do want it to change a little, but my expectations are very realistic--I'm not trying to make it into something it's not.), I can certainly appreciate it. I respect it. I am grateful to it for carrying me through every day of my life. And that makes me want to take care of it.

For some people, this is a no-brainer, but if you are someone who is at battle with your body, it might be very helpful for you to try to adopt an Attitude of Gratitude (as they teach in my daughter's martial arts class).

So the next time you glimpse your back end and immediately start thinking mean and ugly thoughts, stop and show a little respect. Imagine what it would be like to go through life without your butt. Say thank you to your butt for doing what it does best. Be grateful to your body and take care of it so it can continue carrying you through your life as long as possible.

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